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Dear readers,


Welcome to the Home Without Shelter official webpage.


This is a website done by 7 students from Nanyang Polytechnic's Diploma in Social Sciences (Social Work) course as part of our Final Year Project. Our project aims to raise awareness of the homeless, one of the minority populations that has unfortunately been left behind amid Singapore’s rapid development over the past 50 years.


Most people are unaware that the homeless even exsist. For some of us, even if we do see them on streets, it may not occur to us that they are homeless. We may think that they deserve it; that they are lazy and undeserving of assistance. However, have we looked at things from their point of view? Have we considered the unfortunate circumstances that landed them homeless?  Do you think, if given a choice, they would choose to be without a home?


In this simple website of documentation and compilation of the true accounts of some homeless persons in Singapore, we hope to bring you insights into the lives and predicaments of those who are living without a shelter. We hope to give them a voice through these stories.





One Night Simulation Highlights

Sharing by the homeless
Documentary screening
Free T-shirt

Fun and interesting games and activities to simulate the homeless environment

Personal accounts and stories are shared

Find out more about the homeless population in Singapore

Exclusively designed for participants of 'Home Without Shelter'

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